New York Yacht Club Regatta Association (NYYC RA)

Peters & May: Official Yacht Shipping & Logistics Sponsor

The prestigious New York Yacht Club Regatta Association (NYYC RA) has selected Peters & May as their official yacht shipping and logistics sponsor of NYYC RA in 2023, 2024 and 2025.

It is acknowledged that racing yacht logistics can be critical in race preparations, particularly when considering the value of delicate and finely tuned performance racing yachts and their support equipment and spares. Professional and timely loading and transportation, as well as advice and supply of associated paperwork and customs documentation is critical to ensure yachts arrive safe and race ready.

The sponsorship will allow New York Yacht Club members and participants of Club-hosted regattas, including all national and international regattas to have preferential access to the Peters & May team for advice on transport services.

The New York Yacht Club was founded in 1844 and is one of the most renowned yacht clubs in the world. It occupies two distinguished clubhouses in New York, N.Y., and Newport, R.I., where it hosts some of the most coveted events every year.

The Club will host the 170th edition of its Annual Regatta, the oldest annual sailing competition in North American, in June of 2024.

For more information about the New York Yacht Club visit

“Whether it’s bringing the world to Newport to compete in one of our regattas, or enabling our members to cruise Europe, the Southern Hemisphere and elsewhere, reliable and efficient yacht shipping is an essential service,” says New York Yacht Club Commodore Paul M. Zabetakis, M.D. “A partnership with Peters & May, one of the world’s foremost companies when it comes to yacht transportation, is a win-win for our members and our events. We’re very pleased to have Peters & May join our family of regatta partners for at least the next three seasons.”

Paul M. Zabetakis, M.D.
New York Yacht Club Commodore