Environmental, Social & Governance Policy

Peters & May Group Ltd (“Peters & May”) is an international logistics service provider. It specialises in the global shipping of commercial and private vessels, as well as offering transport solutions for a wide range of cargo by air, land, and sea.

Peters & May aims to offer the highest level of service to our customers whilst achieving good environmental and social practices throughout all of our business activities and encouraging our partners, stakeholders and suppliers to strive towards creating a better environment for all.

Peters and May is committed to a continuous improvement process in our approach to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy integration and to the aim of embedding sustainability factors within our work processes. This document sets out the current commitments we have made to integrate ESG considerations in our work and the services we offer.  

Over time, we envisage that this policy will evolve in response to business practices and structural changes, technological innovation, and legal requirements. We will closely monitor this policy and seek to review on an annual basis to ensure it steers future decision making. 

Our Services and their impact

We recognise our main areas of impact, as the following:

  • Carbon production
  • Waste generation

The specifics of our business and importance of the goods being handled bring limitations in some aspects of sustainability however, we believe, there are always opportunities to improve our performance.

Approach to ESG


Peters & May Group Ltd hascommitted to reduce its carbon emissions and set us on a net zero pathway. To do this we have partnered with Planet Mark. https://www.planetmark.com/

Planet Mark is an internationally recognised carbon reduction and net-zero specialist with over 10 years of experience. The organisation is committed to helping businesses of all sizes reduce carbon emissions, achieve net-zero targets, and generate long-term business value. Operating at the centre of climate tech, advisory, and legislation, Planet Mark’s unified model drives tangible results, helping businesses take meaningful climate action.

As one of 10 global partners of the UN Race to Zero, Planet Mark’s process and certification mark are recognised by both government and business standards, ensuring assurance in sustainable progress. Planet Mark believes that, in the near future, every business will be regenerative. Their expertise is paving the way for businesses to make a positive contribution to society and nature while leaving a lasting legacy on the planet.

Our  2022 Certification can be found here

Our 2023 Certification can be found here

It is our aim to reduce our emission on an annual basis by 3-5%. To
enable us to continue on our path to net zero, we have committed to:

  • Minimizing our consumption of resources by introducing sustainable alternatives (eg solar installation project in the UK)
  • Promoting environmentally responsible procurement of services
  • Ensuring that all future expansion and construction is designed to reduce our carbon footprint and increase energy and resource efficiency at all stages
  • Managing our waste production and disposal in an environmentally friendly manner
  • Raising awareness of staff on our environmental impact, activities, and performance
  • Encouraging staff involvement in green initiatives
  • Regularly review our environmental performance and progress against our targets
  • Ensure high standards are maintained throughout our supply chain by engaging with local business community and known business partners.
  • Regularly Offsetting Carbon Emissions:

Peters & May’s commitment to the environment is also evidenced in the following ways:

  • We are reducing our paper consumption by further developing our bespoke operating systems
  • We have moved our servers to the cloud to reduce energy consumption and will continue to source increasingly energy efficient ICT equipment
  • Wherever possible we reuse packing cases and packing materials and elements such as case fittings and foam from packing cases are recycled
  • Our waste management company maintains a “zero waste to landfill” policy
  • All our vehicles comply with current emissions regulations and our ongoing fleet renewal scheme will ensure that we continue to meet and exceed guidelines
  • Wherever possible we ship cargo on deck of cargo vessels that are going a certain route anyway for their base/underdeck cargo and are therefore utilizing deck-space that would have remained empty otherwise
  • Wherever possible we group cargo together to limit the number of single cargo shipments
  • Efficiently use of our shipping cradles and lifting/lashing equipment by utilizing warehouse space worldwide to avoid unnecessary shipping/transport of such equipment and moving the equipment as group packages when possible.


We aim to deliver positive social impact alongside environmental benefits. To improve our social impact Peters & May Group Ltd commits to:

  • Provide equal opportunities across the company
  • Assist employees in maintaining a good work/life balance
  • Commit to continual training and development
  • Maintain at minimum the London Living Wage across the company
  • Regularly review our environmental performance and progress against our targets
  • Ensure high standards are maintained throughout our supply chain by engaging with local business community and known business partners.


The Board regularly reviews the effectiveness of systems in place and maintains overall control of any changes to the capital, corporate or management structure.

They are also responsible for risk management, including financial operations and compliance.

  1. Transparency and openness;
  2. Rigour and challenge
  3. Willingness to obtain independent perspective.

These values are underpinned by putting in place policies which address share dealing; bribery prevention; whistleblowing; diversity; environmental and sustainability; communications; corporate social responsibility; charitable donations; and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. We prepare comprehensive reports and engage with our stakeholders all through the year.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which set out a 15-year plan to achieve the Goals. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.

Peters & May supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals and currently directly/indirectly contribute to the following:

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Peters & May contribution

Goal 12: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”

Packing materials, shipping cradles and lifting/lashing equipment is re-used and wherever possible we avoid the use of one-way shipping cradles, packing material and lifting/lashing equipment.

Goal 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*”

Peters & May is owned by the private investment company Constantine Group Ltd (“Constantine”).

Constantine invests in renewable energies (amongst other sectors).  Renewable energy assets reduce the amount of energy generated from fossil fuels, directly reducing CO2 emissions

Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.”

Wherever possible utilizing unused space on cargo vessels and combining cargo shipped on the same routes to avoid additional port calls and route deviation.

Measurement and Reporting

This Policy applies to all Peters & May Group Ltd operations, employees, contractors and working partners and will be reviewed by the board at least annually to ensure it is effective in line with our policies.